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PROTECTORS OF INNOCENCE (Accepting Our Responsibilities)

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

From the moment you transition from being a 'dad to be' to holding your newborn child, you realize that your life has just changed dramatically. This beautiful baby, your beautiful baby, has come forth from the union of yourself and your wife and millions of new possibilities are opening in front of your eyes.

Father and Baby

PROTECTORS OF INNOCENCE (Accepting Our Responsibilities)

PROTECTORS OF INNOCENCE- Protecting Your Child's Uniqueness

Although this child carries many of the genetic traits of both your wife and you, it is also without doubt unique. The child has its own fingerprints, different from every other person who has ever lived. The child has its own personality, its own natural gifts and abilities and its own dreams and hopes, but now all we see is a tiny human being struggling to become acquainted with this strange new world it has just arrived into.

As a new father we have a wonderful opportunity to take stock of our own lives, and to assess what is still and what is no longer important to us.



Priorities change in our hearts when we perceive the value of this precious life we have been given to look after. It is important to realize that even though the challenges of being a father are sometimes difficult, the benefits we will receive are amazing. Fatherhood is not for cowards, but billions of men have done it before you and you are well able to become a great dad.

There are several main roles you will probably step into as a new father including Provider, Teacher, and Friend, but one of the most important roles is that of Protector.

Being a Protector of our families is one of the most natural roles we as men fall into, it seems to be hard-wired into our manhood. Keeping our families safe from the many dangers that we as men already know are in the world, is a role that requires diligence and discernment.


PROTECTORS OF INNOCENCE- Identifying Potential Problems

What are the things in the world that you as a new dad want to protect your child from? Physical danger? Sickness or Disease? Bad Influences? Wrong Relationships? Sadly, there are many influences in the world that would take advantage of a young innocent life and twist its beauty and uniqueness into something to be regretted.

The best way to protect our children’s lives is to build a stronghold of wisdom around them, so that even as they grow up and become more independent, the life lessons that their father taught them will stay with them.



Sharing life lessons and teaching our children is not a scheduled event each week, it happens daily, moment by moment as we impart our own lives and values to them through our own example.

How should we live as fathers, if our greatest ability to protect our family comes from our life example? Do you want to see your child smoking cigarettes? Then you as their example shouldn’t smoke! Do you want your child to live a healthy and active life? Then you as their example should do the same!

A father is a shining light to a child, an example to be followed, and a life to emulate! Decide today to be the best example to your children that you can be, and in doing so you will go a long way toward fulfilling your role as a protector of innocence.

God Bless

John Nolan


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