After considering the type of simplified advice I would offer to a young father who had limited time to listen, I came up with what I believe are 3 things that are crucial for anyone wanting to build a family that can survive the test of time. If you as a father do these 3 things well you will have a great chance to be the best husband and father you can be in life and enjoy the rewards of having a loving family. (Part 3 of 3)
The 3 C's of Fathering are:
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her
(Ephesians 5:25)
Expressing God's Love
We are given the example of Christ's sacrificial love for the church as the pattern we as husbands and fathers should follow in life. There is no higher standard that we as men could have been called to by God in the service and leadership of our families. The way we treat our wife will clearly reveal where we are at in our personal walk with God, and indeed is of crucial importance if we want God's continued blessing. We must represent Christ faithfully by our life example and should reflect His love and selflessness in our role as head of the home. Successful fathers fulfill their divine calling by expressing God's love to their families.
(1 Peter 3:7) Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the
weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
Our Care for our family will be outworked in many ways, some times our care for them will be revealed through very practical things like ensuring that their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter are met. At other times we will need to be the emotional strength of the family and especially regarding your wife.
Just as we grow in faith daily and continue to look to Jesus Christ as the Rock that we stand upon, so we must reflect His stability and His strength to those who are looking to us as husbands and fathers.
The great encouragement that we receive from God ourselves is meant to flow through us, expressing God's love in kindness, wisdom, and service toward our families. It is therefore paramount that we as men and fathers must live a life of closeness and obedience to our Heavenly Father, that we may have an unending flow of His grace and power in our lives personally. The more time we spend in the presence of God and in His Word (The Bible), the more we continue to be transformed into His image and reflect Him more effectively within our homes.
(2 Corinthians 3:18) But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord
Definition of Caring :
feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others a kind, caring person (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic. (Collins Dictionary)
Much is said about the bond that a mother has with their child, and I am so thankful for the examples of tenderness and sacrifice that many mothers exhibit. However in my experience a fathers love is in no way inferior to a mothers love, even if at times it may be expressed differently. Expressing God's love as a man is a reflection of how much God loves us all individually.
“A daughter may outgrow your lap but she’ll never outgrow your heart.”
In whatever way our own personality and care for our family is expressed, whether it be cuddles and stories as they go off to bed or spending time building something together in the garage, it's important that we as fathers Find the Connection by expressing God's love to our children.
I understand that this degree of emotional closeness may not be easy for some men. especially if you have grown up without it in your own life. It is however one of the most wonderful parts of being a dad. Becoming emotionally available and expressing God's love to our wife and children opens up a whole new level of life that many men never even dreamed was possible, and one that brings a deep sense of fulfillment within our hearts.
Even for those men who may struggle in this area there is hope! The good news is that when you are walking daily in relationship to Jesus Christ, you have access to an unending flow of His Holy Spirit which includes His love and tenderness. My previous Blog on The Power of Touch may assist you if you have not grown up in a caring family environment.
"A son who is loved by his father becomes a father who loves his son."
Caring for our wife and children is a fundamental responsibility of manhood and fatherhood.
Our wife and our individual children will all have different emotional, physical and spiritual needs. It is the role of the Husband and Father to be alert to this and seek to ensure that these needs are fulfilled to the best of his ability by expressing God's love. Thankfully those who are believers in Jesus Christ also have access to the riches of God's resources and ability.
4 Ways We Show we Care
Expressing God's love practically as a husband and father is to Provide, Protect, Guide, and Cherish our families throughout life.
As men we show that we care through going to work and Providing finances to buy food and provide a home for our family.
As men we show that we care by laying down our own lives in Protecting the ones that we love the most in life.
As men we show we care by listening to and Guiding our family members by offering wise words of counsel and experience to help them move forward.
As men we show we care by Cherishing each family member and being a constant source of love, acceptance and encouragement to all within our home.
This blog is the final in the short series The 3 C's of Fathering. make sure you access the other teachings in this series by clicking the links above.
God Bless
John Nolan
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