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THE CHOICES OF A FATHER (Influencing Our World For Good)

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

The future that we face tomorrow as a man and father is determined to a large extent today. Our individual decisions and lifestyle choices influence the way that society is heading, for we are relaying the foundations of society to every new generation. Therefore, we as fathers must look closely at what we do or fail to do in this life, for we hold the future of the coming generations in our hands.

The foundation of any building must be strong if it is to remain standing.

THE CHOICES OF A FATHER (Influencing Our World For Good)

Our individual decisions and lifestyle choices influence where society is heading, for we are relaying the foundations of society to every new generation.

Becoming a father brings many changes into our lives as men, just as becoming a husband brings changes into our lives as single men. There is a responsibility that comes with relationships of any kind, and if we handle those responsibilities well our relationship has the best chance of prospering. If we treat our wife with love and respect, we have a far greater chance of staying married than if we are uncaring or abusive towards her. If we build a loving and caring relationship with our children from the moment of their birth, then there is a far greater chance that they will want to continue that relationship with us when we are old.

THE CHOICES OF A FATHER- The Importance of Foundations

When a building of any size is constructed what is most important initially is the laying of a strong and stable foundation, so it is with building a family. There are many things that we can do as a father or fail to do that will either strengthen or weaken the foundations of our family. Every society is built up of individual families, they are the building blocks used in its construction. When individual families are strong then society is strong, when individual families fail then society also begins to fail.

Every society is built up of individual families, they are the building blocks used in its construction.


THE CHOICES OF A FATHER- Historical Insights

Throughout ancient history, we see the rise and fall of many influential societies and cultures, whether Greek, Roman, Babylonian, or Assyrian. Each of these cultures had a time of influence on the world stage and became the dominant ‘superpowers’ of their time. However, the influence of these ‘superpowers’ waned and was eventually replaced by another, often because of the mistakes made by those who carried the responsibility to decide the future of that society.

THE CHOICES OF A FATHER- Isaac Newton Scientist

Newton’s Third Law states that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’ or in other words, there are consequences for everything we do in life, either good or bad. Good decisions lead to good consequences, bad ones lead to bad consequences.

Good parenting decisions are most often made by those who have taken the time to consider the path they want to lead their children along in life. Therefore, we as fathers need to ensure, to the best of our ability, that we make well-informed and well-considered decisions if the future of our family is to be a successful one.

Good parenting decisions are most often made by those who have taken the time to consider the path they want to lead their children along in life.
THE CHOICES OF A FATHER- Deciding For The Future

Each day we as fathers make choices that determine the direction that our family is going, and when enough families are heading in the same direction then society is too. The question I ask is this: Will the generations to come thank you for the decisions you are making today? Or will they regret decisions that ultimately proved to be short-sighted and resulted in destruction rather than a blessing? Choose Well!

God Bless

John Nolan


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Dads' UNI Dedication

Dads' UNI Dedication

The Ministry of Dads' UNI is dedicated to the memory of
Daniel Isaac Nolan
Born and died 25/08/1998
Aged 1 Hour

(A Family  Of Four) DadsUni- Growing Families Gods Way
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